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Navbar & Navs


Navbars are responsive meta components that serve as navigation headers for your application or site. They begin collapsed (and are toggleable) in mobile views and become horizontal as the available viewport width increases.

Default navbar

Form example

Button example

Text example

Fixed to top

Add .navbar-fixed-top and include a .container or .container-fluid to center and pad navbar content.

Fixed to bottom

Add .navbar-fixed-bottom and include a .container or .container-fluid to center and pad navbar content.

Static top

Create a full-width navbar that scrolls away with the page by adding .navbar-static-top and include a .container or .container-fluid to center and pad navbar content.

Inverted navbar

Modify the look of the navbar by adding .navbar-inverse.


Navs available in Bootstrap have shared markup, starting with the base .nav class, as well as shared states. Swap modifier classes to switch between each style.

